I am going to share with you the most powerful way to build your self-esteem. But first, let’s talk about what self-esteem is. And let me cover 4 basic principles of self-esteem. 1) IT IS A REPUTATION THAT ...
David Goggins is a former US Navy Seal and ultra-endurance athlete. He is a world record holder for the maximum number of pull-ups done in 24 hours. And also he has physically done some of the craziest things in this ...
Jim collins classic book one of the best sellers of all time. “Good To Great”. Good To Great By Jim Collins, He explained how some companies go from being just good to being great. While other companies don’t. If I ...
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” book story is written about Robert Kiyosaki’s life. In the book, He talks about the two most influential individuals in his life. His biological father who is poor, but a highly intelligent and educated man who ...
What are some major benefits of meditation, and why it works? I believe the most important type of education that we need to invest in is transformational education. I don’t really hesitate to say that it’s a type of ...
Here I will try to describe the BFR training method as much as I can depending on scientific research. Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training has become popular around the world for increasing muscle mass. In fact, it’s known to be ...
Are you looking for the fastest way to significantly increase muscle mass? Here I have some tips backed by over 12+ studies. REVEALING PROVEN WAYS TO BUILD MUSCLE FASTER. Building Muscle Naturally is a slow process. It could take ...
SIGNIFICANT WAYS TO DEVELOP A SUCCESSFUL MINDSET. Most of us know mindset is the psychology of success. After reading books on mindset topic, and practically examine through failure I’ve decided to share these crucial topics that actually helped me develop ...
Here I Have A List Of The Six Worst Supplements That You Shouldn’t Waste Money On. Whether you are trying to burn fat or build muscle you should be looking for supplements that can actually help you and you want ...