What constitutes entrepreneurial thinking is far from clear to everyone. These reasons suggest that you should address it urgently to optimize your performance in the workplace. Entrepreneurial thinking, as some people think, is needed, well – as an entrepreneur. That’s ...
Nothing demotivates employees as much as bad leadership. How bosses destroy the motivation of their employees with these typical motivation killers – and learn how they can do it better. SUB-DEMAND No wonder that the eternally same routine in ...
Leaders shape discussions and decisions – because their appearance and behavior quickly make it clear: What this woman, this man has the say. Here I write nine characteristics of a good leader. These nine essential qualities characterize the alpha ...
Whining robs energy. Successful people know that. Therefore, they accept that there are unsolvable problems. What distinguishes successful entrepreneurs from others? Your way of dealing with unsolvable problems. Those who want to succeed should not complain about these adversities. ...
Paying attention to mental health is as important as to the physical one. A few habits in everyday life can help to achieve or maintain your well-being. It is about taking a positive attitude and pursuing activities that promote ...
One day has 24 hours – that’s for everyone. And yet some people do more than others. How do the super-productive do that? They rely on these clever strategies. What do billionaires, successful entrepreneurs, top athletes, and one-man students do ...
Eating healthy and clean and avoiding additives is more than a trend for many. But in everyday life, clean eating is not so easy and requires good preparation. So here I have a complete nutrition plan for one week ...
Who wants to motivate his employees, should know what is really important to them: the bulging account at the end of the month – or rather coffee and flextime? A study gives answers on how to motivate your employees. If ...
What sets successful entrepreneurs apart from the average? They follow certain leadership rules. They adhere to four rules of success – which can also help other entrepreneurs: to become better leaders and to advance their company. Entrepreneurs celebrate one ...