There are thousands of skills available and there are many alternate paths to be successful depending on the career you choose more important it depends on the approach that works best for you. However, there are some common things ...
With this effective magic formula, you tackle problems and tasks instead of postponing them. The five-second rule is intended to help you overcome the inner devil. Do you like to postpone tasks? With the help of the five-second rule, you ...
THE 3×3 STRATEGY INTRO! You set yourself specific goals – and then everyday life intervenes? The 3×3 strategy of the American bestselling author and coach Michael Hyatt helps entrepreneurs to really achieve their goals. Finally set up the outdated homepage, ...
Often the impression is created that nobody is really in the mood for work. The employees live more or less from vacation to vacation and seem unmotivated and uninterested. What can you do to boost team morale and get the ...
Leading and guiding – that can be quite exhausting. And if you make mistakes, you are in for a lot of trouble. But if you take a few tips to heart, you will make your life as a manager ...
LEADERSHIP SKILLS In order for young professionals to develop into leaders, they need support from experienced professionals like you. However, the role of the mentor needs to be learned. A good mentor needs a number of prerequisites for his or ...
Skip breaks to get ready earlier, and get things done quickly. Can you really organize your working hours and save time? The biggest time management mistakes and solutions – learn how to do it better. Answering an e-mail quickly, gulping ...
You read well-intentioned advice and leadership tips and rarely get an explanation of why this insider tip should actually work. So here I want to share my knowledge with you and give you leadership tips that can help you ...
Without the right motivation, your work is no fun. Those who enjoy what they do are easier to motivate and those who work motivated are almost automatically successful. Enjoyment of work, motivation, and success form a triad. Self-motivation is important. ...