austrian startup hackathon

Hackathon is looking for creative ideas to combat the corona crisis


Anyone who wants to solve problems in the health, rescue, education and business sectors can participate in “Hack the Crisis”.

As part of a programming competition (“hackathon”), weekend startups are looking for solutions for areas of life that are particularly affected by the corona crisis. Everyone can participate in “Hack the Crisis”, registration is possible until Friday evening. The winners will be announced on Monday.

Completely online

“We are looking for creative ideas, programs and digital projects (…) that could help in dealing with the corona pandemic,” says a call from the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location, which organizes the event together with the Austrian Startups platform. The ideas are divided into the areas of health, emergency agendas (e.g. cybersecurity, social distancing), education, business and general.

The competition, which takes place entirely digitally, is open to everyone. “Anyone can register as a problem solver, mentor or sponsor for Austria’s largest and first digital challenge,” the ministry called for participation. The hackathon participants will be given the task on Friday and will have to find an answer by Sunday. These will then be presented to a jury, which will announce the winners on Monday.

A new format for difficult times

“Difficult times need new solutions,” said Digital Minister Margarete Schramböck (ÖVP). Austria was in a crisis. “Together we can survive the crisis. Let’s hack the crisis!” Motivated her to participate.