
The Importance Of Exercise In Your 30’s

Fitness with correct and proper nutrition is very helpful and important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Explaining, The importance of exercise in your 30’s and why the 30s are a good time to make physical activities a habit. By starting to workout and maintaining your physical functionality. You can help to minimize complications from chronic diseases. Furthermore, Fitness increases energy, and probably help you to look more attractive.




1) Help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

2) Help to reduce the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension).

3) Help to reduce high cholesterol.

4) Help to enhance mental health.

5) Help you to have a better quality of sleep.

6) Stress Relief.

7) Help to increase bone density.

8) Help to avoid the risk of early death.




After years of research, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services created guidelines for Americans. Adults between 18 to 64 years old have to follow these recommendations for healthier living :

  • Try to do at least two hours of moderate-intensity workouts. Or 1¼ hours of vigorous-intensity activities like race walking, jogging, swimming laps or jumping rope every week.
  • Strength exercises like squats, rows, push-ups with a different variety. And all of the exercises that include main and major muscle groups. Do these 2 days every week or try to go for more.
  • You can also go for better results by increase moderate-intensity workouts to 5 hours. Or by including 2½ hours of vigorous-intensity aerobic every week. This is going to be extra beneficial for your health.




Walking slowly is consider as a light-intensity exercise. Brisk walking, on the other hand, Is a moderate-intensity activity. Which includes walking & talking but not able to sing. And with vigorous-intensity exercises, You can say some words without catching your breath. It is enough to do bouts at a time of ten minutes through-out every week. The main goal is to keep following these guidelines, Even when you are above 65 years old.



You’ll need some encouragement when you made up your mind to be fit. The most important thing what is going to motivate you to make your first move? Ask yourself this question, And come up with some reasons why you should create a healthier lifestyle.

For Example,

1) Being a good role model for children.
2) Avoiding chronic diseases.
3) Maintaining a body that helps you to look more attractive.



You have to consider that exercise is an important part of your life. Fitness is going to help you to stay young and active on the inside & also on the outside, Life is full of excuses, But staying and feeling healthier is more important than things you do in your daily life.

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You probably heard that being fit is very important before, But maybe you’ve been busy trying to start your professional career or raising your family. And completely ignores these recommendations. But, If physical activities have not been your priority, It’s time to start by setting valuable & affordable goals. And you have to start believing that this is the right course of living a healthy and better life. Start with light-weight and low-intensity workouts. And do the exercises you love to enjoy. After that try to build up your endurance step by step to stay on track.