
Common Dietary Mistakes – And How To Avoid Them


Whether you want to lose a few pounds for the sake of your health or if you want to achieve a fundamental diet change, these tips help you recognize and avoid common dietary mistakes.


Whether you are following a particular diet or simply wanting to eat more consciously, only those who have a plan can follow it. In particular, if you want to lose weight “on your own”, Make a nutrition plan that adapts to your everyday life with work, sports, etc. Losing weight only works efficiently if you know how much you want to eat. Not every diet plan suits every person and every life situation alike. Try different models. Suggestions about diets and then figure out which diet plan suits you better.


If the desired results simply do not turn up, it will easily lead to impatience and frustration. For a sustainable diet, however, you need time! Especially in the case of basic dietary changes, The results will gradually start to appear – but they are usually more sustainable.

If you tend to grab frustration on the candy shelf: remember that the kilos did not come in a week – and therefore take their time to disappear again. In such situations, it is useful to have a frustration strategy ready. Be its crossword puzzles, Find distractions. Instead of grabbing the chocolate, you can keep other things within reach that makes you happy or at least distract you. After all, frustration eating ultimately only throws you off track. Reward yourself for the small successes – just with an alternative to the unhealthy snack.




Even if the view of the falling numbers on the scale is tempting: kilograms are not necessarily the guideline for determining the success of a diet with certainty. In addition, if you do a lot of muscle training, the weight can stagnate despite lean food – or even more. Because a saying is true: Muscles weigh more than fat. So you can lose fat without it being recognized directly on the scale. So do not be discouraged if the pointer does not move down: use a measuring tape instead – it will help you understand the changes.


It sounds so easy that you quickly started to follow your diet plan. However, at the same time documenting meals, at best even with calorie and nutritional values, can be an important part of any diet. For people with diabetes, who already have a lot to do with their diet anyway, that means one more thing that needs to be documented – and that’s very helpful. Because you’ll have all your meals on the screen quickly. Besides meals, of course, there are other things to document, such as sports units. As with the diabetes diary, There is a range of apps for every need which you should try. As an alternative to the classic paper diary.

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TIP: There are a lot of complicated formulas for calculating your personal calorie needs, including sports and work. Before starting a diet, a visit to the family doctor provides clarity. He can also educate and advise on health risks.