Change Your Mindset

Change Your Mindset: Ways Of Thinking You Should Avoid


It is not always the external circumstances or the environment and the colleagues that can make your life difficult. Some of the greatest enemies you carry around with you every day: They are ways of thinking that have crept in first and have been memorized for years. But at the same time, it is these mindsets that determine how happy, satisfied or successful a person is. Change your mindset!

While positive ways of thinking can improve the quality of life, others can destroy life and turn everyday life into torture. To be able to do something about it, these must first be identified. I will describe ways of thinking you should avoid in the workplace.

Ways of thinking that can destroy your life:


Do you feel that some of your ways of thinking lead to more problems than solutions? Congratulations on this discovery. This is the first step towards improvement because often your behavior is automatically considered to be infallible. But the second step is no less difficult because mindsets are often deeply rooted and cannot be quickly abandoned or changed.

For this reason, you need a strong will above all. And what could be a greater motivation than the prospect of a happier life? If you follow these three rules, you can change your mindset:

  • New ways of thinking do not appear overnight. Suppressing negative attitudes and replacing them with more positive thinking patterns will take some time. Don’t let it get you down at first, but stay tuned.
  • It is not easy to change old ways of thinking. Especially at the beginning, there is a great temptation to fall back into existing patterns. Show the necessary willpower and rigor and do not allow exceptions. Stay strict! 
  • Do not blame yourself or your surroundings for the current situation. Most often it is the combination of many factors that promotes the emergence of bad mindsets. Stay fair! 


How is it that negative mindsets come about? It would be best if bad mindsets did not appear at all. So you could fight the problem right at the beginning, the negative effect would not appear and you would not have to laboriously train yourself to learn new ways of thinking.

But this is not so easy, because there are various strong motives behind the harmful thoughts:

  • You’re trying to protect yourself.
  • You feel like you have to prove yourself.
  • You doubt yourself.

Change Your Mindset


You will probably have observed each of the following ways of thinking with yourself. And don’t worry: If these are individual cases, you are still in the green area. However, it becomes dangerous if you feel that you have to struggle with these seven ways of thinking every day. Because these can cause great damage in both professional and private life. So that you can change something, I present ways of thinking that can destroy your life.


Is there a colleague whom you often feel attacked by? Or have you long wanted to get a precise overview of your finances? Pushing important matters and problems not only makes you unhappy, but it also leads to stress and frustration. Always keep in mind that problems don’t go away. Talk to your colleagues directly and clarify the situation. You will feel better and relieved afterward.

The most important principle to change the mindset: tackle it without allowing excuses.


We are often in the way of making important decisions. Of course, these should not be taken hastily or carelessly, but indecisiveness quickly leads to stagnation. Accept the job offer? Education or study? Nobody can avoid these questions if they want to develop further. Ask yourself, your family and friends and then make your decision.

The most important principle to change the way of thinking: don’t imagine horror scenarios, what can go wrong if you commit yourself. Be realistic.


They work from morning to night, still take work home with them and simply cannot switch off. In short: you are a real workaholic. They only see themselves in a position to do important tasks and cannot submit projects. Commitment to the job is good, but overdoing it puts your health at risk. The anger at work often serves as compensation, for example for missing hobbies or social contacts. Start here and start activities outside the office.

The most important principle to change the way of thinking: trust that others can also do a task.


Envy – or the green-eyed monster, as Shakespeare already called it – leads to frustration and dissatisfaction with one’s own life. You can always find someone who has more money, drives a bigger car, seems to have a happier family, and appears to be more successful overall. Just focus on your envy, forget to be happy and content with the things you have accomplished yourself. What do you think, how many people are jealous of you?

The most important principle to change the mindset: think about your successes and the positive things and be thankful.


Would you describe yourself as a patient personality? Many are honest at this point and consider themselves to be rather impatient. Then why don’t you change it? In today’s world, everything should always happen as quickly as possible. The first application must bring a dream job, it needs a new car immediately. If things don’t go as quickly as expected, frustration and anger develop. The way to a goal can sometimes be nicer than the goal itself. Anticipation is known to be the most beautiful joy.

The most important principle to change the mindset of Impatience cannot be put down overnight. So stay patient with yourself.

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Another, unfortunately, widespread way of thinking, is fear of risk. You hide behind behaviors and routines that have not changed in years and remain in your comfort zone. This fear is supported by the fear of mistakes and setbacks. True to the motto: what if that goes wrong? better not change anything. But great progress and success cannot be achieved without risk. And if you fail with an attempt: So what?

The most important principle to change the way of thinking mistakes are not the end of the world. Risks can be fun and worth an experience.
