
BFR Training Technique – How Heavy You Should Lift

A couple of months ago I talked about the Benefits Of Blood Flow Restriction Training. where I tried to clear some misconceptions about its safety. However, I still have questions regarding the BFR Training technique and *How heavy should I lift while performing the BFR Training Technique*.

Since I’m also using BFR in my training sessions I thought it would be a good idea to share my personal experience and techniques to help you get much better results.

What Is BFR Training

The main focus and primary advantage of BFR Training is that you can gain more muscle size at a low-intensity workout. What this training method does is – Increase metabolic stress on the muscle and send a very effective muscle-building signal with a very lightweight. The key to getting more effective results is using lightweight weight-loads while performing higher reps.

The reason why I personally like this training is – you can use this training method as a therapy. let’s say you have an elbow injury or a wrist injury, which can prevent you from lifting heavy. So, that’s when BFR Training really helps because while performing this method you don’t have to lift a lot of weights to get a good pump. Also, it’s a very good technique for guys who are a bit older and have joint problems So they don’t want to train as heavily to get the hypertrophy response. It’s already becoming popular among guys who are dealing with joint issues because it’s not about the weight load but the repetitions you perform.

How Heavy You Should Lift During Bfr Training Sessions?

Weight should be anywhere between (10 pounds) to (20 pounds). But again weight-load isn’t the main focus here but the repetitions. In the BFR Training guide, the repetitions protocol is x5 Set.

First Set = 30 Repetitions

(30 Seconds Rest)

Second Set = 15 Repetitions

(20 Seconds Rest)

Third Set = 15 Repetitions

(20 Seconds Rest)

Fourth Set = 15 Repetitions

(20 Seconds Rest)

Fifth Set = 15 Repetitions

This whole thing should take you a very short period of time. Approximately about 10-15 minutes. If you do it right – You’ll be struggling while performing the last two Sets even with 10-pound dumbbells.

This technique is scientifically proven to be effective in terms of building muscle fast. As you can tell it will only work on extremities (Limbs). So, I recommend you do this training twice a week on your biceps and legs. Obviously, it’s a technique that you shouldn’t be doing every single time you train.


Improper wrapping techniques can be harmful. If you tie off too much it can cause damage if you go too loose, you don’t really get the effects. You have to make sure that you’re getting blood flow into the muscle but restricting the blood flow from leaving the muscle. If you feel any numbness or tingling you must’ve been tightening it too much. You should go for 70% percent of perceiving tightness, Or you can go for 80% if you’re not getting a greater pump. Figure it out by tightening or lightening up until you feel like you’re getting effects without having any numbness or tingling in your muscles.